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5 Tips on How to make a New Year Resolution and Keep It
January 06, 2021
As the New Year is here many of us will be making our New Year Resolution and make a list of things we want to accomplish this year.
We had made it in the past years too, but, many of us just give up in just a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Reasons are many, mostly the reason being not feeling that much motivated, we felt on the start of the Year.
But, one of the major and only reason we give up is not the problem with motivation. It's something very much different and we can't help it as it's in our nature. But, with a little bit of self-discipline and we are all set.
The main reason people fail at New Year Resolution is because they tend to share their resolutions with other people around. This makes the plans very obvious to fail. Telling about your plans drains all the energy and interest out of it, making you less likely to follow and accomplish them. Once we share something, we feel relieved and that is what one must not feel unless the target is achieved.
When you start keeping your plans to yourself, you preserve the energy to yourself and will love to cross the list out one at a time and accomplish your goals. Try this and you are more likely to follow and complete what you want to do, whether it's a plan or task or even a resolution.
Here are Some Tips that can help you:
1. When making a New Year Resolution, don't sit on the same day itself, try making it in advance and the only thing left will be to start following.
2. Be realistic and make attainable goals, which you are sure to achieve. Like you can't shed 10 KG of weight in a week, it will take time, may be a couple of months.
3. Track your Progress and make sure you are on your path to achieve your goal and there are no obstruction in your way, and If there are any, just keep clearing them and move on.
4. Don't Beat Yourself Up when you fail at something. We are humans, and humans make mistakes and learn too. When something goes south, just stop, relax, plan ahead and start again. No one is going to kill you for failing, and neither should you.
5. Reward yourself every time you reach a goal or completed a milestone. This will keep you motivated and focused. And in the end, who didn't like treats?? Everyone does.
Using these five simple tips and keeping your Resolution to yourself will help you achieve more and also help you to gain self-discipline and self-confidence, which in turn will help you in life.
I hope you have a New Year Resolution and will definitely keep it.