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Its My Birthday and My First Blog to Get Started
May 27, 2017
"A beginning is what it takes. The Rest, falls into place."
But, a question always remains is - "What makes a new beginning so difficult?"
And the answer is very simple - Its, "We dont know where to start."
There is always a new day, a new year, a new job, a new life, a new relationship, a new start and it comes in the best and also in the worst ways, and sometimes we have to accept it the way it is.
So, I accepted mine and at last here comes my first post for the blog. Its a special day to me as "My Birthday" to start what I wanted to start very long time ago.
I am very excited as well as nervous to get this thing started, and why not?? Everybody does.
You may be knowing me from Facebook, Whatsapp, LinkedIn an some other social sites, but they always feel so much incomplete and unofficial, so why not have My Own Blogs which can be termed as official.
As I mentioned you will be going to know much about me here. You will now know what i basically do, my interests and what I like and dislike and much more. Even cannot describe my feelings. So I decided to post and share what I feel. Also you may be find this posts bilingual as I may be using "Spanish" sometimes, just because I am learning it and its fun to.
I am really very glad and happy now to be able to share my thoughts, ideas, discoveries, works and much more. Thats all for this first post. I am very thankfull for your support and collaboration.
"The universe is a big place, lets try to make it a bit smaller."